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Interested in making a donation to TSTA?

TSTA is the largest representation of science educators in Tennessee. Established in 1975 as the Science Association of Tennessee, TSTA has continuously promoted the development and advancement of science education in Tennessee.  TSTA is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization and recognized by the Tennessee State Department as being eligible to receive charitable tax-deductible contributions.  Its Officers, Board of Directors Representatives, and Liaisons are all volunteers.  All membership dues or contributions go to promoting science education in Tennessee. 


TSTA is listed as a non-profit organization eligible for the Amazon Smile program. If you list TSTA  as your designated charity 0.5% of eligible purchases will go to help science education in TN. Simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. On your first visit to select TSTA before shopping. 


Honor a friend or give a lasting tribute to a memorable educator by making a donation to TSTA in her or his honor.  Give a lasting memorial to honor a loved one.  Fill out the form below and give enough information that the honoree or her or his family can be notified of the gift. 

Your gift qualifies as a tax deductible contribution.  Save your invoice for tax purposes. 

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* Mandatory fields
*First Name
*Last Name
For events: Please only list the name of the person that will get the one year membership.
*Home Street
*Home City
*Home State
*Home Zip Code
*Home County
*Home / Mobile Phone
*Preferred email address
For events registration: If you are paying for 2 or more people, please write in the email for each person so that we may provide benefits.Please do not write in the same address for multiple people.
Secondary email - used if you change schools or emails are sent back to us.

School or business information

*School / Organization Name
*School / Organization Street
*School / Organization State
School / Organization Zip Code
*School / Organization City
School / Organization Phone
*School / Business County
Please choose the individual or organization responsible for payment
Billing name of person or dept. Fill in ONLY if you are not paying (organization or individual)
If invoice goes to accounts payable, include contact name if needed. This information helps us to find missing registrations.
Important- please add the business phone number and email of person paying (if not yourself)

The data below is used to target a group for an announcement or opportunity.

*Choose the TSTA District division that represents your educational institution region.
The Districts are divided by counties. See webpage CONTACT TSTA for the District #. Large regions may be in groups marked by A or B.
*Job Title/Description (Check all that apply)
*Grade level you teach (Check all that apply)
*What topic/area do you teach? (check all that apply)
Other Topic (fill in)
*Are you a current TSTA Board representative?
*Amount of donation ($USD)
Purpose of donation
Clear selection
*Your email
Your phone number
If living tribute or memorial, please include explanation or tribute text.
Write in below any information you would like included for a tribute or memorial donation.

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

TSTA Membership:

TSTA Board President:

TSTA Treasurer:

Tennessee Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)(3) organization and is recognized by the state of Tennessee as a being eligible to receive charitable tax-deductible contributions.

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